ต้องการผลักดันประเด็นที่เกี่ยวกับการพัฒนาชุมชน ทำเรื่องเสนอมาหารือด้วยนะจ้ะ ประชุมวันเมย์เดย์
ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation Work Plan (2007 - 2017)
To realise the goals and objectives set forth in the Second Joint Statement on East Asia Cooperation: "Building on the Foundations of ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation", adopted by the Heads of State/Government of ASEAN Plus Three countries on 20 November 2007, this Work Plan is formulated to serve as the master plan to enhance ASEAN Plus Three relations and cooperation in a comprehensive and mutually beneficial manner for the next ten years (2007-2017). This Work Plan shall also support the establishment of the ASEAN Community by 2015.
เขาว่าการร่วมมือของสามชาติใหญ่ของเอเชียคือจีน ญี่ปุ่น และเกาหลีนั้น เขาจะเป็นพี่เลี้ยงให้ชาวเอเชียด้วยกัน จะได้เติบโตเหมือนเขามั่งในปี/จๅถ เอเชียจะโตเห็นผล!!!!!
In light of the above,
the ASEAN Plus Three countries shall pursue the following joint actions
and measures as well as capacity building activities,
through closer consultation and
coordination with sectoral bodies, in accordance with their respective laws and regulations:
การร่วมมือกันของขาโจ๋ใหญ่ของเอเชียทั้งสามนี้เขาจะมีการควบคุมตัวเองให้อยู่ในกฏกติกา อย่างที่ตกลงกันมี ข้อ เอ ถึงข้อ อี
หลักๆก็มีเรื่องการเมืองเศรษฐกิจสังคมสิ่งแวดล้อม ชุมชนพัฒนาอย่างยั่งยืน การเงินก็แข็งแกร่งน่าดูอะไรแบบนี้
1 Deepen Political and Security Cooperation
1.1 Utilise the ASEAN Plus Three process as the framework for building mutual
understanding, confidence and solidarity. The ASEAN Plus Three countries are encouraged
to constructively undertake, with increasing candor and transparency, exchanges on their
strategic outlooks, assessments of national and regional developments and briefings on
their respective strategies and plans on vital issues.
1.2 Continue to hold the ASEAN Plus Three Summit annually in conjunction with the ASEAN
1.3 Continue high-level consultations and increase exchanges between officials of the
ASEAN Plus Three countries in the political and security areas.
1.4 Cooperate to strengthen the multilateral system as well as expand and deepen
interaction and coordination, within multilateral frameworks, including the United Nations.
1.5 Cooperate to promote good governance, including strengthening the rule of law, promoting human rights, enhancing administrative effectiveness, efficiency, transparency through policy dialogue and capacity building activities and participation by relevant segments of society in policy-making process.
เรื่องการเมืองและความมั่นคงเป็นเรื่องหนักราวกับก้อนหิน รักษาให้ตัวอยู่ในขอบของกฏหมายก็แสนยาก การจะสั่งสมระบบธรรมาภิบาลโปร่งใสราวกับแก้วตรวจสอบได้ทุกอย่าง พลังแน่นปึ้ก มีน
ดยบายด้านสังคมเจ๋ง เน้นการมีส่วนร่วมหนักๆ ครอบนโยบายให้หมด
1.6 In the framework of applicable national and international law, intensify cooperation to combat corruption, including denying a safe haven to those guilty of public corruption.
1.7 Make efforts to progressively increase exchanges and cooperation between defence officials and exchange visits between military training institutions to promote trust and mutual understanding.
เรื่องความมั่นคง รั้วของชาตินั้น เขากะว่า ทหารทุกระดับบุคคลากร เป็นอันว่าไว้ใจได้ว่าจะต้องฝึกมาเป็นยอดทหารหาญอย่างแน่นอน มีสถาบันฝึกอย่างยอดเยี่ยมเชื่อได้
1.8 Strengthen cooperation through exchanges of experts, joint research projects and joint
seminars in order to strengthen the linkages between ASEAN Plus Three
government-affiliated policy and strategic research institutes.
1.9 Enhance technical assistance and capacity building in support of efforts to address
traditional and non-traditional security issues.
2 Peace and Stability Cooperation in the Region
ความรักสงบก็ต้องมาก่อน ไม่ใช่ลุกมาตีกันในสภาเหมือนประเทศอะไรน้อ?
2.1 Strengthen cooperation and increase consultations through the ASEAN Regional Forum
(ARF) and the ASEAN Plus Three process with the view to ensuring peace, security and
stability in the region.
2.2 Promote peace building through, inter alia, sharing of experiences on peace building
operations and exchanges of experts and academics on peace studies.
2.3 Enhance multilateral and regional cooperation in disarmament and non-proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery and related materials.
2.4 Cooperate closely on action-oriented measures including participation of civil society
and industrial sectors in opposing the proliferation of WMD by adopting and enforcing
effective export controls, and on disarmament issues with the objective of total elimination of
all WMD including nuclear weapons, in accordance with their national legislation and
consistent with international law.
3 Counter-Terrorism
3.1 Strengthen cooperation in the field of border management to jointly address matters of
common concern, including forgeries of identification and travel documents, by enhancing
the use of relevant technologies to effectively stem the flow of terrorists and criminals, to
monitor and curb their means of operations as well as enhancing cooperation to prevent the
organisation, instigation and support for groups that carry out acts detrimental to the security
and stability of ASEAN Plus Three countries.
3.2 Enhance cooperation in information sharing on terrorists and transnational criminal
organisations, including their leaders and members, operational methods and supporting
infrastructures, linkages, as well as criminal activities.
3.3 Implement measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, in accordance with the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).
กะว่าปัญหาเรื่องเงินเฟ้อเงินบูด ที่กินยาแก้ท้องอืดยังไงกํไม่หายไม่น่าจะมีอีก ต้องตั้งองค์กรมาขับเคี่ยวกะมันไม่ให้เกินปัญหาการเงินในประเทศ
3.4 Work towards the elimination of smuggling of small arms and light weapons, as a major
contribution to the national and international efforts of counter terrorism.
3.5 Support the implementation of the ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism.
3.6 Support the implementation of and the accession to relevant international conventions
and protocols on counter terrorism and the finalisation of a UN comprehensive convention
on international terrorism.

ภัยจากการก่อการร้ายเนี่ยมันแย่สุดๆจริง มีแต่ความโหดร้ายรุนแรง
ประชุมหาทางป้องกันกันเข้าไป สู้ สู้!!!

3.7 Ensure that any measures taken to combat terrorism are implemented in accordance
with international laws, in particular, regarding human rights, displaced persons and
humanitarian concerns.
3.8 Cooperate to support development initiatives aimed at enhancing quality of life, rule of
law, good governance and community awareness in order to reduce the conditions that
terrorists seek to exploit.
4 Maritime Cooperation
4.1 Enhance maritime cooperation on safety of navigation, such as through implementation
of relevant international and regional treaties and agreements and through, inter alia, the
promotion of information sharing, and technology cooperation projects such as through
exchanges of visits of authorities concerned, training of personnel in search and rescue and
other areas, where applicable.
4.2 Forge closer cooperation in fighting against sea piracy, armed robbery against ships,
hijacking and smuggling, in accordance with international laws and without impinging on the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of ASEAN Plus Three countries.
5 Other Non-Traditional Security Issues
5.1 Support ASEAN in attaining the Drug Free ASEAN 2015 goals.
5.2 Strengthen cooperation among law enforcement agencies in relation to extradition and
mutual legal assistance, in accordance with the domestic laws of ASEAN Plus Three
countries and other relevant treaties.
5.3 Strengthen cooperation in combating trafficking in persons and actively support the
comprehensive implementation of the ASEAN Declaration against Trafficking in Persons,
Particularly Women and Children including cooperation among law enforcement agencies.
5.4 Strengthen cooperation and render mutual assistance in combating and suppressing
cyber crimes including cooperation among law enforcement agencies, taking into account
the need of each country to develop laws to address cyber crimes.
1 Trade and Investment
เรื่องการเติบโตทางเศรษฐกิจ ชาวบ้านกินดีอยู่ดีคงเป็นฝันของประเทศทั่ว
1.1 Conclude the ASEAN+1 FTAs according to their schedules and to ensure their smooth implementation in order to enhance overall economic growth and development conducive to businesses.
1.2 Continue efforts towards promoting and strengthening economic cooperation in the East Asian region, including an idea of region-wide FTAs, taking into account the recommendations of various studies that have been completed or are currently being undertaken.
1.3 Phase out tariffs and non-tariff barriers to ensure free flow of goods in ASEAN Plus Three countries, in accordance with the results of WTO negotiations and relevant FTA/EPA negotiations and continue to accord Generalised System of Preference (GSP) status and preferential treatment for Developing and Least Developed Countries.
1.4 Encourage discussion on mobility of labor and its influence on economies and other related issues, taking into account the respective circumstances of each country.
เห็นใจคนทำงานมั่งนะเพราะคถณภาพชีวิตคนทำงานไม่ดีพลอยทำให้งานฝีมืองานอาชีพที่เขาทำอยู่พลอยคุณภายแย่ผลผลิตน้อยด้อยค่าไปเยอะ เพราะคนเราไม่ได้เกิดมาเป็นนายทุนกันหมด กรรมาชีพก็ต้องการชีวืตที่ดีนะจ้ะ
1.5 Strengthen cooperation in the multilateral trading system, especially in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and support the early accession of Lao PDR to the WTO.
1.6 Jointly pursue the successful conclusion of the negotiations of the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) and endeavour to ensure that the development dimension of the DDA is embodied in a comprehensive package that would deliver tangible, fair and effective development benefits to all developing member countries.
1.7 Strengthen efforts to facilitate trade through improving customs procedures such as promotion of pre-arrival customs processing/clearance of goods, audit-based practices of customs control, standardisation of practices to assess customs value and origin determination.
ใครๆก็อยากได้สินค้าดีมาใช้งานทั้งนั้น ควบคุมให้ทำแต่ของที่ได้มาตรฐานเนียลำบาก ใครๆก็อบากได้กำไรเยอะ ต้นทุนต่ำกันทั้งโลก
1.8 Work towards expediting customs clearance and release, using ASEAN Single Window as a basis.
อันที่จริงกะทำของขายกันเองในโซนเอเชียเนี่ยแหละ ผักสวนครัวรั้วกินได้ไงงั้น กินมันแถวรั้วเราเองเรื่องหลัก
1.9 Promote the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in the field of customs for better management and service.
1.10 Promote the transparency of policies to facilitate trade and investment expansion, including those enhancing conducive business environment, business mobility and trade financing.
1.11 Encourage free flow of services and progressively liberalise trade in services in accordance with the results of WTO negotiations and relevant FTA/EPA negotiations consistent with the WTO rules and principles.
1.12 Strengthen the role of the East Asia Business Council (EABC) in pushing forward economic cooperation in East Asia and to encourage appropriate activities aimed at promoting business interaction in the region.
1.13 Provide regional support to foster an attractive investment climate through sharing best practices, giving mutual encouragement, responding to the requirements of investors, extending technical assistance and exchanging statistical information.
1.14 Consider conducting comprehensive studies on the possible establishment of an East Asia Investment Area by expanding the ASEAN Investment Area.
1.15 Promote cooperation between investment promotion agencies and facilitate mutual investment promotion missions by respective business communities.
1.16 Promote understanding of each other's policies, regulations and legislations pertaining or related to trade, competition policy, services, investment and industry as well as the sharing of experiences and best practices among ASEAN Plus Three countries.
2 Financial Cooperation
เงิน เงิน และเงิน!!!!
2.1 Develop a regional liquidity support mechanism through the multilateralisation of the Chiang Mai Initiative.
ใช้น้ำให้คุ้ม เริ่มคิดกันที่เชียงใหม่บ้านเราเนี่ยแหละ
2.2 Develop further the Asian Bond Markets Initiative.
อีกหน่อยจะมีเงินเอเชียโรแล้ว รับรองแข็งโป็กยิ่งกว่าเงินยูโรอีกนะ จะบอกให้@!!!-ขายมันในตลาดเอเชียเนียแหละ
2.3 Strengthen surveillance mechanisms, enhance domestic financial systems and facilitate the development and orderly integration of financial markets.
3 Standards and Conformance
3.1 Cooperate to support ASEAN’s efforts to adopt and use international standards as the basis for technical regulations, conformity assessment procedures and Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) standards, as appropriate and consistent with WTO principles.
3.2 Promote information exchange with ASEAN regarding development of standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures, including the domestic implementation of WTO TBT agreements.
3.3 Undertake appropriate measures to ensure greater participation and contribution of ASEAN Member Countries in the international and regional bodies related to standards and conformance.
4 Intellectual Property Rights
เรื่องทรัพย์สินทางปัญญาเนี่ยอายเขานิดหน่อย เอหรือว่าความคิดสร้างสรรในบ้านเราไม่ค่อยจะได้รับการสนับสนุนเชิงพานิชย์หรือง่าบทลง
4.1 Promote the exchange of views, experiences and information in the creation, utilisation, protection, commercialisation and enforcement of intellectual property rights and related issues of mutual concern.
4.2 Undertake appropriate measures to strengthen IP systems and promote greater public awareness of IP and IPR issues in the field of education and industries, the commercialisation of IP, the utilisation of IP information, and technology transfer, in accordance with the relevant provisions in the WTO TRIPS Agreement.
4.3 Promote the harmonisation of IP laws and systems, where possible, to enhance trade and investment in the region and facilitate intellectual property rights registration.
4.4 Promote cooperative activities to increase the level of knowledge among a broader section of government officials and IP professionals so that they may contribute to business growth and development.
4.5 Endeavour to encourage technology-transfer policies on the part of multinational corporations operating in the region.
5 Transport
5.1 Forge closer cooperation to enhance transport infrastructure, networks and operations, including air, maritime, road, rail, and multi-modal transport, for fast, efficient and safe movement of people and goods, as well as for clean urban transport, in and among ASEAN Member Countries and between ASEAN and the Plus Three Countries.
เมื่อไหร่ฝันจะเป็นจริงน้อ จะมีเส้นทางยอดเยี่ยมขับรถข้ามพรมแดนต่อเรือต่อรถไฟข้ามทวีปเอเชียอย่างทางยุโรปอเมริกาเขามั่ง หรือว่าจะมีแตทางให้เกวียนวิ่งไปตลอดชาติ ขอทันดูเครือข่ายถนนเอาโตบานในเมืองเอเชียกะเขาก่อนตายเถอะ สาธุ++%+++1!!!!
5.2 Enhance cooperation in the development of new transportation systems, such as “Intelligent Transportation Systems-ITS,” promotion of public transport, road networks and structures, environment-friendly maintenance, technological development and regulations, road safety management.
5.3 Enhance cooperation in capacity-building and human resources development, in the areas of transport policy, planning and regulation and in transferring and sharing of technology as mutually agreed.
5.4 Enhance cooperation in observing international rules on safety and security in air, land, and maritime transport, taking into account relevant international laws and in accordance with the domestic laws of the ASEAN Plus Three countries.
5.5 Enhance cooperation to promote transport linkages, focusing on air connectivity, among ASEAN Plus Three Countries, as appropriate.
5.6 Expedite the completion of the Singapore-Kunming Rail Link (SKRL) project.
อภิมหาโปรเจ็ค สู้ตาย ขอขับรถต่อเรือต่อรถไฟจากสิงคโปร์ไปคุนหมิง ทางสวยแบบหรู ให้ทันชาตินี้เถอะ เจ้าพระคู้ณณณณ!!!!
6 Tourism
เที่ยวให้สะใจทั่วเอเชีย เร็วๆนี้
6.1 Promote the development of quality tourism through, where appropriate, the promotion of ASEAN’s environmental management standards and certification programmes for sustainable tourism, and forge concrete collaboration in cultural and eco-tourism, cruise tourism, youth exchange, manpower development, joint tourism marketing and promotion, and quality assurance, as well as safety measures for tourists.
หมูบ้านท่องเที่ยวโอทอปทั้งหลายก็โฆษณาตัวเองกันหนักๆหน่อยนะจ้ะ หน้าที่ของชุมชนและภาครัฐทุกหมู่เหล่านั่นแหละ ขืนบอกว่าไม่ใช่หน้าที่พัฒนากรเสียหน่อย ชาวบ้านอดตายพอดี ทำผลิตภัณฑ์ชุมชนแล้วไม่มีนักท่องเที่ยวมาซื้อถึงที่นี่ แย่ ขาดใจตาย เพราะขาดทุนชมัดเลย
6.2 Promote linkages and strengthen cooperation among national tourism organisations and training institutions, covering areas such as tourism information exchange, human resource development and crisis communications, and encourage the involvement of the private sector in such cooperation.
7 Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
เรารวยแล้ววุ้ย เราเป็นอู่ข้าวอู่น้ำของดลกแล้ว ไชโยยย ข้าวในนา ปลาในหนอง ในน้ำมีปลา ในนามีข้าว ชื่นใจจัง ข้าวตันละสี่หมื่นแล้ว
7.1 Forge closer cooperation in agriculture in key areas of mutual interests, including research and development, technology transfer, crops, horticultural plants cultivation, biotechnology application, fertiliser, agricultural infrastructure, post-harvest technology, livestock, fisheries, aquaculture, organic farming, as well as agricultural cooperatives.
7.2 Promote networking in areas of key mutual interest between government authorities concerned, as well as between agricultural and food-related research institutions of ASEAN Plus Three Countries.
7.3 Cooperate in strengthening agricultural markets and promoting linkages and cooperation between relevant agriculture authorities to enhance accessibility of ASEAN agricultural products into global markets.
ขายแหลก ราคาตามอุปสงคอุปทาน ไม่ได้โก่งราคานะ ท่าน รอมอตอ บอกมา
7.4 Promote cooperation in rural financial institutions, such as agricultural banks and micro-financing arrangements.
7.5 Provide opportunities for ASEAN farmers, including young farmers, and those engaged in agribusiness to learn and develop more efficient farming practices and management skills through training and information sharing with Plus Three Countries farmers.
7.6 Enhance capacity-building and human resources development in areas of agriculture where there is key mutual interest through training courses, seminars, workshops, job attachment and scholarship schemes.
สร้างขวัญกำลังใจแจกรางวัลด้วย ประดาหัวปราชณหลักๆด้านเกษตร
7.7 Promote closer cooperation in food security, including exchange of information on major food commodities, food handling and food safety.
7.8 Enhance cooperation in sustainable forest management, and deepen cooperation in the Asian Forest Partnership (AFP) as an effective way to tackle the challenges of forest management in Asia through collaborative efforts, especially law enforcement mechanisms of illegal logging and its associated trade, prevention of forest fires, reforestation of degraded lands, and a phased approach to certification.
7.9 Cooperate on fisheries and forest products development and promotion schemes.
7.10 Promote regionalisation of the code of conduct for responsible fisheries.
8 Minerals
ธาติในดินสินในน้ำ เมืองไทยเราก็ไม่ใช่เล่นนะเนี่ย
8.1 Facilitate trade and investment in the mineral sector for mutual benefits, as well as forge closer cooperation in capacity building in the mineral sector.
8.2 Enhance collaboration in research and development activities for the sustainable development of the mineral sector.
8.3 Encourage private sector participation and public-private sector collaboration in the development and/or implementation of joint cooperation in programmes and activities related to the sustainable development of mineral resources in the region.
8.4 Promote technical information exchange, experience and best practices on, among others, the development of the ASEAN Mineral Database, scientific and technological research and development of geosciences, the sustainable development of mineral resources.
9 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
วิสาหกิจชุมชนน้อยๆ เราต้องอุ้มเขามั่ง เป็นพี่เลี้ยงคอยเป็นที่ปรึกษา จำไม่ได้เรอะ กว่าเราจะสร้างผลิตภัณฑ์ชุมชนได้สักเจ้าหนึ่ง เลือดตาแทบกระเด็น ทั้งผลักทั้งดัน สารพัดวิะี เวลาเขาโตมาหน่อยบอกโยนไปให้อีกกระทรวง
แปลกแท้ๆ ไอ้กราเราไม่ใช่เรอะ สร้างขึ้นมาตั้งหลายเจ้า เวลาเขาไปเมืองนอกเมืองนา ก็ของบไปกะเขาด้วยสิ ไปมันสักสองสามกระทรวงร้านขายนั่นด้วย เป็นการเดินทางแรลลี่หาช่องทางตลาดโรดโชว์ให้พวกที่เขาอยากเป็นเถ้าแก่นั่นน่ะ ปลุกปั้นกันแทบตาย
ไม่ใช่ว่ากลุ่มแม่บ้านกลุ่มอาชีพต้องรอแต่เวปพวกจุดจุดที่ไม่ใช่ว่าจะมีการสั่งเยอะๆออนโลน์อะไรนัก แถมชอบมาเอาตัวอย่างของชาวบ้านเราไปเลียนแบบแย่งตลาดขายของที่เมืองนอกอีก
โทษทีสนับสนุนรากหญ้าต้องดันสุดๆ ไม่ใช่พอโตหน่อยโยนไปแล้ว การรวมหัวกันหลายกระทรวงเรื่องการหาตลาดให้รากหญ้าทั้งเชิงรุกบุกตลาดนอก หรือเชิงรับอย่างหมู่บ้านท่องเที่ยวเน้นขายของ อย่างนี้ ต้องเดินหน้าเต็มสูบ ไม่ใช่ไปทิ้งขว้างเขาค้างๆคาๆ โยนไปกระทรวงโน้นนี้ไปทั่ว กลุ่มแม่บ้านน้อยๆกลุ่มอาชีพกลุ่มเยาวชนต้องมีแรงหนุนแรงผลัก ไม่ใช่พวกสายป่านยาวอย่างพวกนายทุนเนี่ย เขาหมุนเงินกันวันต่อวัน ไม่ใช่ให้เครดิตอย่างพวกนายทุนนะ หน้าที่ภาครัฐต้องให้การประกันการขายผลิตภัณฑ์ชุมชนน้อยๆนี้ เหมือนประกันพืชผลประกันเกษตร ไม่งั้น จบกัน หมดอำนาจต่อรองนายทุน เอางานฝีมือสวยๆไปโยนทิ้งน้ำซะเลย ทำแทบแย่ขายไม่ได้ กดราคา มาหาหลอกซื้อถูกๆสิบบาทร้อยบาทจากชาวบ้านเอาไปติดยี่ห้อตัวเองขายในเวปโก่งราคารวมค่าส่งมันซะสามสิบห้าเหรียญพันสองพันสามพันบาท ยิ่งงานสวยๆขายกันเป็นหมื่นบาท ชาวบ้านตาดำๆได้ค่าแรงค่าของแค่หลักร้อย นั่งประดิษฐ์ประดอยแทบแย่
นายทุนหน่ะ เขารวยกันพอสมควรแก่เหตุ แล้วเจ้านาย +++!!!
9.1 Foster a conducive business environment through encouraging information linkages to share and exchange knowledge and experience in both public and private sectors on policies and support programmes relating to SMEs, general management, finance, marketing, business development services and production technology, including but not limited to research and best practices.
9.2 Promote cooperation among SMEs in the region through mutually agreed technology transfer, mentoring, market research, management skill training, meetings and exchanges between potential SMEs, and training programmes in Plus Three countries.
9.3 Promote e-commerce cooperation to enhance the collaboration, partnership, and internationalisation of SMEs within ASEAN Plus Three countries.
9.4 Jointly identify and overcome barriers in SME business partnerships, including in market development and access to common markets.
9.5 Promote SME investments in ASEAN countries, as well as alert SMEs to market opportunities in those countries.
10 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
สี่ือสารให้ขาดตีประโคมมันเข้าไป ให้มันรู้ว่า คนไทยยอดเยี่ยม ที่หนึ่งของโลกทั้งนนัน้น้ นั้นแทบจะทุกแขนงสรรพอาชีพ
10.1 Promote cooperation activities, particularly in the areas of bridging the digital divide, telemedicine, e-government, e-commerce, distance education, cyber security and network monitoring, and for mutual recognition of electronic signatures for cross-border transactions. 10.2 Enhance cooperation and development of interconnected, high-capacity and resilient information infrastructure between ASEAN and the Plus Three Countries through various measures, e.g. policies and regulations for next generation network (NGN), Ipv6, wireless broadband, and applications of the suitable, new and emerging technologies.
10.3 Facilitate cooperation in regulatory framework to support trade, investment and business activities in ICT sector, harmonisation of frequency, standards and interoperability of products/services, and consumer protection.
11 Development Cooperation
มันต้องดีขึ้นมั่งล่ะ เมืองเราไม่พัฒนาขึ้น แล้วจะให้มันจมแบบบัวใต้ตมหรือไง มันต้องเป็นบัวพ้นน้ำกันมั่งแหละ เอานะช่วยกันผลักดันหน่อย การรวมหัวร่วมมือกันพัฒนาต้องช่วยกันทุกภาคส่วน
11.1 Support the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) and other sub-regional endeavours such as the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS)
บุเรงนองก็มาร้องเพลงได้แถวลุ่มโขงและลุ่มเจ้าพระยา เพราะเอเชียเขาต้องพัฒนามั่งแหละ อย่ามัวแต่ไม่เห็นใจคนจนตาดำๆ กันได้ไง
, the ASEAN-Mekong Basin Development Cooperation (AMBDC), the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA)
ไทยเรากะโตพรวดเป็นขาใหญ่ในพื้นที่เอเชียให้ดู เพียงเลิกด่ากันได้แล้ว ตั้งหน้าตั้งตาพัฒนาประเทศเสียที ให้คนจนได้รวยและมีโอกาสกะเขามั้่งสิ การเมืองเจ้าข้าเอ๋ย+++!!!
, the Cambodia-Lao PDR-Viet Nam (CLV) Development Triangle, the Greater Mekong Sub Region (GMS), the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) and the East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC) to narrow the development gaps in ASEAN in order to expedite regional integration.
11.2 Continue to develop resources and infrastructure jointly for growth areas and to continue mobilising and exploring the expansion of financial resources for development with active participation of the private sector.
11.3 Promote development cooperation in accordance with international norms, rules and disciplines.
1 Energy Cooperation
1.1 Pursue energy security, sustainable development and economic growth in an integrated approach taking into account specific and diverse national circumstances.
1.2 Promote energy diversification through information exchanges and researches on alternative, new and renewable energy development such as solar, wind, sea tides and waves, hydro, geothermal, clean coal technology, biofuels, biomass, gas and marsh gas, and others, taking into consideration each country’s specific national circumstances; and for those Member countries which choose to do so, the use of civilian nuclear energy, while giving careful and due regards to the security, environmental, health and internationally-recognised safety standards of the energy source.
1.3 Promote energy conservation and energy efficiency as well as the use of clean and environment-friendly technologies such as new vehicle technologies.
1.4 Endeavour to create a more favourable market environment with a view to creating efficient energy market, facilitating regional energy production and trade, promoting investment in energy infrastructure and facilities.
1.5 Improve energy efficiency, where possible, in all sectors, such as the industrial, transport, residential/commercial and power sectors, through setting individual goals and formulating action plans.
1.6 Enhance cooperation on emergency preparedness by making full use of the ASEAN Plus Three Energy Security Communication System.
1.7 Promote greater cooperation and market transparency, including through the Joint Oil Data Initiative, and intensify the exchange of energy data, where possible, and the sharing of national energy policies on a voluntary basis.
1.8 Explore means of supporting the national rural electrification programmes of concerned ASEAN member countries.
1.9 Support the work of the ASEAN Centre for Energy. 1.10 Consider specific projects and proposals on energy issues raised within various regional processes such as the EAS and APEC.
1.11 Promote dialogue with Middle East oil and gas producing countries to enhance mutual understanding and cooperation between oil-producing and oil-consuming countries.
1.12 Promote cooperation for diversification of energy transportation routes to enhance energy security.
2 Environment and Sustainable Development
2.1 Forge closer cooperation in protecting the environment and promoting sustainable use of natural resources.
2.2 Forge closer cooperation among ASEAN Plus Three countries to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
2.3 Strengthen cooperation, among others, in the development, transfer and diffusion of technologies to raise the capacity of ASEAN Plus Three countries to respond to climate change. 2.4 Forge closer cooperation in the following areas: (a) transboundary environmental pollution reduction, particularly transboundary haze pollution, (b) biological diversity and natural heritage conservation, (c) application of advanced and environment-friendly technologies and best practices, (d) sustainable water resource management, including groundwater, (e) coastal and marine environment, (f) sustainable forest management, including combating activities associated with illegal encroachment and destruction of forest resources, (g) urban environmental management and governance, especially the ASEAN Initiative on Environmentally Sustainable Cities, (h) responsible mining and minerals development, (i) public awareness and environmental education, (j) multilateral environmental agreements, in particular climate change and chemical and chemical waste related conventions and partnerships, and (k) air quality management.
2.5 Enhance cooperation in capacity building in the area of environment through the following: (a) exchanges of information and experiences between and among government authorities, institutions and experts, (b) provision of training courses and scholarships, (c) undertaking joint research and development and networking among research/academic institutions, and (d) technology transfer.
2.6 Promote 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) and environmental sound management of waste.
2.7 Promote sustainable development as a means to reduce negative aspects of development on the environment.
1 Develop cooperative activities towards realising the UN Millennium Development Goals.
2 Strengthen the Networking of East Asian Cultural Heritage (NEACH), the East Asia Forum (EAF), the Network of East Asian Think Tanks (NEAT) and the Network of East Asian Studies (NEAS), and consider their recommendations as supplementary source of inputs for policy formulation that is based on research and inter-sectoral consultations.
3 Poverty Alleviation
3.1 Open ASEAN Plus Three countries’ markets to the products of their poorer citizens, including assistance in marketing their products, in accordance with multilateral or bilateral agreements and arrangements, and provide assistance to education, skills training, public health, the protection of their work environment and the building of effective national and community institutions.
3.2 Establish benchmarks and monitoring mechanisms to measure progress toward the Millennium Development Goals, extending assistance to enable such progress to be made, such as networks among “poverty alleviation facilitators”, poverty-related data collection systems and monitoring systems for poverty alleviation programmes. 3.3 Forge closer cooperation in capacity building in the area of rural development and poverty eradication for government officials, experts, practitioners through information and experience sharing activities, people-exchange programme, training courses.
3.4 Monitor the effects of trade liberalisation and economic integration on rural development and poverty alleviation programme, including social protection systems and ICT as a tool for rural development and poverty alleviation.
4 Promoting Development of Vulnerable Groups
4.1 Support efforts to provide care to and promote empowerment of vulnerable groups, such as children, youth, women, the elderly and persons with disabilities.
4.2 Support efforts to ensure access of persons with disabilities to opportunities and protection against all forms of discrimination, including the promotion of their human rights.
4.3 Support efforts to promote equitable participation of and equitable distribution of benefits for women in the development process by eliminating all forms of discrimination against them.
4.4 Strengthen cooperation in addressing violence against women and children.
5 Culture and People-to-People Contact
5.1 Cooperate in the promotion of people-to-people contacts involving, inter alia, parliamentarians, government officials, academia, youth, media, cultural experts, sports persons and representatives of business, industries, and think tank institutions.
5.2 Promote education, access to justice, and the empowerment of moderates in various religions as well as promote inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue to enhance mutual understanding among different cultures and religions, as well as promote universal ideals of religious moderation and tolerance.
5.3 Support efforts to engage civil society in developing a people-centered ASEAN Community.
5.4 Promote cultural understanding and greater awareness of each other’s culture, through regularly held cultural festivals, film festivals, art exhibitions, workshops and other events, such as the East Asia Week.
5.5 Promote interaction, networking, and exchange of visits between government authorities involved in cultural affairs, as well as between cultural institutions, museums, archives and libraries, as well as artists, experts, practitioners in theatre, music, acrobatics, dance, folk art, and cinematography.
5.6 Render mutual assistance and cooperation for the protection, preservation, and restoration of cultural and historical heritage, both tangible and intangible, according to the laws and regulations of each country, enhance cooperation to combat pillage, illicit trafficking and smuggling of moveable cultural property.
5.7 Promote closer cooperation and collaboration between cultural, creative and design industries including joint venture and co-production.
5.8 Promote exchanges and cooperation in the area of journalism, including press, radio, and television.
5.9 Promote research and policy dialogue on the impact of globalisation, modernisation and ICT revolution on youth with a view to exchanging lessons learned and best practices. 5.10 Intensify youth exchanges, for deeper mutual understanding and forging a sense of commonality, as well as continue to hold the ASEAN Plus Three Young Leaders Forum.
6 Education
6.1 Encourage investments in education and training to accelerate learning opportunities for out-of-school children and youth and to upgrade the quality of educational institutions, including human resources development for teachers, lecturers and administrative personnel.
6.2 Promote collaboration, networking, and research and development among institutions and authorities involved in education.
6.3 Promote higher education cooperation, increase linkages between universities through the ASEAN University Network (AUN) and encourage credit transfers between universities in ASEAN Plus Three countries.
6.4 Support research activities and exchanges of ASEAN Plus Three scholars and professionals interested in the ASEAN Plus Three relationship.
6.5 Continue to make efforts to expedite visa application procedures for students and intellectuals of ASEAN Member Countries who travel to the Plus Three countries for academic purposes, in accordance with existing national regulations.
6.6 Cultivate an East Asian identity through promotion of ASEAN Studies and East Asian Studies in the region.
7 Science and Technology
7.1 Broaden and expand exchanges and cooperation between the scientific and technological communities in ASEAN Plus Three countries.
7.2 Cooperate in the fields of technology transfer and technology management on issues covering R&D and IPR management, technology commercialisation, public-private sector collaboration, and science, technology and innovation indicators.
7.3 Promote research and technology development in areas of having potential for commercial applications such as biotechnology, food technology, new materials, microelectronics and information technology, marine resources, new and renewable energy, and space technology.
7.4 Strengthen cooperation in meteorology addressing climate information and prediction services, weather observations and climate change.
7.5 Promote the awareness of specific elements of community such as private sector and youth in science and technology through the participation in various activities such as ASEAN Food Conference, ASEAN Science and Technology Week, S&T Youth Camp and other relevant events.
8 Public Health
8.1 Strengthen cooperation in capacity building and enhance cooperation and technical assistance for government authorities and members of the private sector, civil society institutions, laboratories, and experts in the area of public and environmental health.
8.2 Strengthen cooperation in capacity building of government staffs in public health emergency disaster management.
8.3 Promote networking among government authorities and members of the private sectors of ASEAN Plus Three countries, including between laboratories, research institutions and experts.
8.4 Promote research and development and human resources development in the areas related to public health, including joint research and development, seminars, workshops, training courses and study tours as well as exchange of visits and scholarships for officials, health professionals and experts.
8.5 Enhance cooperation, research and technical assistance at the global and regional levels to prevent, control and reduce the impact of communicable and pandemic diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, SARS, avian influenza, tuberculosis and dengue hemorrhagic fever, and also to increase health and well-being of mother, children and newborns.
เบื่อโรคพวกนี้ไม่หมดไปเสียทีไวรัสตัวร้ายๆทั้งนั้น เอด ซาร์ หวัด ตับ ทีบี ไข้เลือดออก แม่เด็ก lol
8.6 Effectively implement the ASEAN Plus Three Emerging Infectious Diseases Programme and continue supporting the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
8.7 Continue to improve ASEAN’s emergency preparedness against the outbreak of pandemic influenza, including information sharing and early warning systems, immediate transfer from the existing ASEAN stockpile of antiviral and personal protection equipment to the sites of pandemic influenza outbreak, and establish a network of antiviral drug stockpiles.
8.8 Increase accessibility to safe, non-counterfeit, affordable and effective medication.
9 Disaster Management and Emergency Response
ภัยพิบัติ เมืองไทยสู้ตายหน่อย น้ำท่วมทีไร พวกกลุ่มอาชีพแย่กันไปตามๆกัน
9.1 Strengthen cooperation in the fields of floods, landslides, earthquakes and other disasters such as assistance to support national and regional network of early warning systems for tsunamis and other disasters, including through real-time information sharing and public awareness campaigns.
9.2 Render assistance to the implementation of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response.
9.3 Enhance civil-military cooperation in disaster relief.
1 Develop the modalities of an ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation Fund. 2 Continue to strengthen the ASEAN Plus Three Unit at the ASEAN Secretariat to improve consultation and coordination among the ASEAN Plus Three countries.
3 Conduct joint projects to advance the objectives of this Plan, and, where appropriate, sub-regional activities and cooperative efforts that further the goals and objectives set forth in this Work Plan will be encouraged.
4 The ASEAN Secretariat to develop a schedule and time frame for implementation of the Work Plan to be endorsed by the ASEAN Plus Three countries.
5 Regularly review this Work Plan through the existing mechanisms, with the ASEAN Plus Three Directors-General Meeting as the monitoring mechanism.
6 Submit concise progress reports on the implementation of the Work Plan to the annual ASEAN Plus Three Summit.
ช่วยชาวโลกได้จริงๆเหอะ อนุโมทนา สาธุ ธัมโมสังโฆ!!!!